• Rain Curtain (Rain Curtain ™) Technology
-Oil Curtain (Rain Curtain ™) standard on all 5000/5000 Plus rotor
• Wind-proof large water droplets
• Effective irrigation close
• All shooting distance equal distribution of water throughout
8 standard nozzles and 4 low angle in the rain curtain tie (Rain Curtain ™) nozzles (Uniform +), 7.6 to 15.2 meter shot which provide a nozzle tree
-He The adjustable nozzle
• Implementation & Maintenance
Thanks to easy starting point for setting the clutch mechanism -Slip
fast maintenance opportunity with a new angle adjustment screw cleaning -You
mechanisms that prevent the escape of water during operation, thanks to the flow stop feature at -5000 Plus
Straight tipped easy angle adjustment possibility with any screwdriver
-deb Adjustment screw nozzle without changing the shooting distance is reduced by up to 25%.
• Design Solutions
-5000 Plus series in optional:
• Stainless steel protection on SS models
• Seal-A-Matic ™ check valve kit (SAM) 2.1
which remains closed until meter difference in elevation
-5 004 Plus 10 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm and SS (stainless steel body) as there are in Original 10 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm pop-up height (measured from the body to center of nozzle)
-Full Tour and angle between 40 ° and 360 ° reversible rotation full tour (already available in models that can complete rotation angle)
With -MP nozzle provides design and application-balanced precipitation rate of 7.6 mt 10.7 mt.
-Dizayn Facilitate the process. Vari-angle nozzles of different sizes and can be used in the same irrigation zone by using MPR Nozzles.
-Extra protection for standard 500 PLUS green rubber headline title, 5000 has enhanced black title
-Z conditions, the body is designed for durability in residential and municipal applications
-Z Conditions resistant retract spring
-Pressure Regulatory multifunction wiper seal protects the interior against pollution and Pop-Up provides the entry and exit safely
-O-rings and seals for extra protection in sandy waters
-5-Year trade warranty
• Spacing: 7.6 to 15.2 m
• Flow adjustment screw shooting distance: 5.7 m
• Pressure: up to 4.5 to 1.7 bar
• Flow rate: from 0.17 2,19m³ / h
• Nozzle outlet angle:
-Standard Rain curtain nozzles (Rain Curtain ™): 25 °
Low rain curtain nozzle exit angle: 10 °
• Connection female: 3/4 Internal thread
• Pop-Up height
(Until mid Kapaktannozul)
-5004 / 5004 Plus: 10 cm
-5006 Plus: 15 cm
-5 012 Plus : 30 cm
• Total body height ( in closed position )
-5004 / 5004 Plus: 18.5 cm
-5 004 Plus: 24,5 cm
-5 004 Plus: 42.9 cm
• Exposed diameter : 4.1 cm
MPR nozzles of irrigation sprinklers on the same line enables the design that allows working with different angles and radii . 5000 Enhanced / 5000 Plus / 5000 Plus PRS / UPG rotors fits .
• 5004 - PC : Part Circle 5004